Shannon Black

Shannon Black

CF L1 Trainer

I love double unders, shoulder to overhead, pull ups and toes to bar, even better in partner workouts. One of my best memories was hitting 100# snatch because that movement is a struggle and it took a lot of mental strength!


CrossFit Level 1 Certification

About Coach

Rodeo and horses have been a huge passion of mine for as long as I can remember. I have always been active and worked out at home but lacked the motivation and accountability. In 2017, I was a new mom and gave up a career to stay home. Looking to lose the baby weight and also find a community outside of work, I tried CrossFit for the first time and I was hooked! I was encouraged, motivated, and pushed out of my comfort level by amazing coaches and fellow athletes. I loved being able to work out through my pregnancy and IVF journey and see how CrossFit was improving my overall health. It motivates me as a member and a coach to help others not only join and feel comfortable but also achieve goals they didn’t think were possible.

Turning Point

Motivation & Passion

The best part about being a coach for me is hearing each athlete’s goals and purpose for their fitness journey and then being able to celebrate their achievements and progress. Seeing athletes push their limits and try things they didn’t think they could do motivates me as well.

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