Blayne Ray

Blayne Ray

CF-L1 Trainer


CrossFit L1 Certification

About Coach

After college, I drifted away from any kind of athletics or gym activities and fell into a sedentary lifestyle, which resulted in becoming overweight and unhealthy. Years later, I was tagged in a photo and I couldn’t believe how big I had become. That initially got me back into a gym and dieting. I tried all the fad diets and working out on my own, but without the accountability and consistency, I fell into the typical roller coaster of losing/gaining weight. It wasn’t until I joined Saddle Up CrossFit where the spark was reignited to get the body moving again and gained interest in nutrition to create healthy habits.

Turning Point

I had some buddies suggest Crossfit, but I had heard all the stigmas surrounding CrossFit and used those as excuses to avoid it. After becoming fed up with all the failed attempts with the gym and dieting, I finally gave in and signed up for a free class here at Saddle Up CrossFit.

Motivation & Passion

Nutrition and functional movements are the keys to a long healthy life. I am passionate about the CrossFit methodology and want to continue to learn, improve, and apply my knowledge/experience to help others. We want this to be the best hour of your day, so the goal is for everyone to look forward to showing up, challenging themselves, celebrating the little wins, and continue to work towards becoming the best version of themselves.

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